Monday, February 13, 2012

My life

My Family ~ December 2011

Hello Everyone! I am still alive I promise! Hopefully I will post more regularly in the next little while, I have several quilts and such to show you, but first I need to take pictures of them, so you get horses today :)
He looks like a up-side-down duck!
Our colt is starting to get big, or Bailey's getting big sp hopefully that means that the colt is getting big! (the picture was from a while ago, around September I think) She is starting to eat a ton, but after all, she's always eating a ton so I don't know how acurate that is!
On another horse note I recently read "the man who listens to horses" This book was really interesting. and I really enjoyed it. I don't necessarily agree with everything that he says, but it made me think about the whole way I communicate with horses. I love his website . Eventually, when I have internet I would like to suscribe to his Equus University His methods are practical and useful, I've tried some of his exercises, but it is kind of hard without a round pen, but I would love to learn about more of his exercises and training methods.

Here is a great example of his method, the 'join-up.' So much better than the conventional way of 'sacking out'

Oh, and Fanny is doing a-maz-ing. I am so grateful that she is doing well. She is back on alfalfa and is running around the pasture with Bailey like she was 5 again.

On another note our house is coming along wonderfully. We are hoping to start digging in the next few months. We just turned in the paper work for the loan this week. So we should be set! I am so excited.

I hope that spring is on the way, the horses are shedding pretty good so hopefully we're close! We have been blessed and have had a fairly mild winter.
