Saturday, January 1, 2011

Life can be rough, especially when it is below freezing outside and you feeding horses and come in like this...

Yeah, so anyway, I was cleaning out a frozen automatic waterer and then without realizing it I grabbed the metal part on this shovel. So when I walked inside holding a shovel everyone was suprised! There was no way that I was going to leave my awesome gloves outside!!! It has been below freezing here the last couple of days and we have more than a foot of snow, is it cold anywhere else?
P.S. Happy New Year!


crazy4boys said...

That is the best picture ever!!! My boys are wanting snow so badly, but it's still sweatshirt-only weather here.

Debra said...

That is funny Olivia. Glad you got a picture of it!

Unknown said...

WOW!! I still wish it was snowing and freezing outside. Now it is March-April weather in January!! Love the pic. it is so cool!!!