Saturday, August 28, 2010

My life...

To spare you all the gorry details I will just say that we killed a ginormous RAT in our tack room today! It was pretty intense.

The joys of owning property! You get skunks eating your cat food and Heifers in you garden and so much more, this my friends is my life!


Debra said...

Where did your post go? I was going to show George. I couldn't believe it. Will you email it to me?

Rachel said...

You are brave. If the rats don't leave when I ask them to, I ask our dog for help!

Rats scare me. It's all fine when it's a squirrel at the bird feeder...but when it's a rat? That's just too much for me.

Heifers in the garden? I love cows, even if they are a nuisance at times! Skunks in the cat food, though...eek!

Olivia said...

Hank had a blast for sure. And he did most of the dirty work thankfully! Yeah, When all of the sudden your going through 10 lbs of cat food a day for 4 little kitties you start to question somethings and then you go and find a SKUNK in there at night. Oh, the joys!