Thursday, September 9, 2010


Our house has been on the market for about 6 years, and it hadn't ever sold sold(we didn't try all THAT hard!) but it sold on a fluke Monday night!

We live in a town of 400 people, there aren't a lot of rentals their is one across from the land that has been vacant for a few years. When we bought the land we wondered if we would rent it when our house sold until we built, we wondered this repeatedly, but, we, as everyone else in the town thought that it was owned by the bank. We checked on this and it wasn't. A lady up north owned it, it is pretty unlivable right now because there is a GROSS Tub, toilet and vanity along with no flooring in the house. We bargained with her and so we are going to make it "livable" for a 10 month (free) lease! Easy! We move in between October 1-10 of, and we leave Monday for a two week trip. Yeah, we're trying to get as much as possible done before we leave but It won't all get done. We've been busy!

This is it folks, every time I walk in it seems like it is smaller. Its 2 bedrooms so it will be an adventure! We don't even know if mom's queen bed will fit in her room(they kindly gave up the master bedroom so we could get enough beds in, there would be NO was that we could in the other room).

We'll keep you posted on our adventure!!

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